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SP333 | 2024-03-01  
The first time we introduced Djorge Cadete was at the celebration of our 100th release, featuring several artists. Djorge Cadete invited Dorivaldo Mix for the track 'Uranio 235 (Magic Star)' in 2018, which became a hit within the PALOPs market. In early 2023, we released his first EP titled 'Upendo,' which gained worldwide recognition, being mentioned in major magazines such as DJ Mag Brazil, Bantumen, and many others. This year, Djorge Cadete returns to our home for the release of his first single in 2024, 'Mallifera,' and once again invited Dorivaldo Mix for this collaboration. The song is tribal, full of atmosphere, and with all the honey as the title suggests.

DJorge Cadete & Dorivaldo 'Mallifera'

01. Djorge Cadete & Dorivaldo Mix - Mallifera - (Main Mix)
02. Djorge Cadete & Dorivaldo Mix - Mallifera - (Kick Version)

Produced by Djorge Cadete, Dorivaldo Mix, Nelson Garcia
Composed by Djorge Cadete, Dorivaldo Mix, Nelson Garcia
Music Arranged by Djorge Cadete, Dorivaldo Mix
Mixed by Djorge Cadete, Dorivaldo Mix

Cover Artwork: Gelmiro Pireza
Executive Producer: DJ Satelite
Published by Seres Producoes
P&C 2024: Seres Producoes

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