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Mashona Tribe

Pasqua Records S.A
PRSA77 | 2022-08-19  
Pasqua Records S.A is proud to announce the latest 4-track EP from Mashona Tribe entitled 'Dedication' Each song is smoking with production and creativity that will surely be your summertime peak hour heat! From the killer lead track 'Loya' to the bounce of 'Nqoba, to the percussive 'Your Life,' the entire EP will keep your dance floors begging for more!

B-Seen, B-Heard, B-Entertained!

Produced, Mixed, & Arranged Mashona Tribe
Mastered by: Mr. Eclectic @Pasqua Records Studio, Maryland
Publishing: Pasqua Media Group
Copyright: Pasqua Records
Executive Producer: Maurice Easter

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