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SVM035 | 2018-09-17  
In 2004, we released this inspirational classic that tells you to be who you are, and stay strong. When something tragic tries to bring you down, and all your hope is gone, push back your shoulders, hold your head up high, reach for the sky, all you gotta do is stay strong, just as the message says. Because we love the powerful message in this vocal, decided to reconstruct it and give it a fresh new take with some new instrumentation along with a happy feel that is timeless. We have all grown musically since then and put love in this reconstructed version. We brought in the heavy hitter, Queen Bee of Soul, Ms. Mogul, Stephanie Renee on board to sing some verses and new parts. This is a real treat and delivers the positive message, Stay Strong through difficult times, as it too, will pass.
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